03 March 2017

Being A Blogger

Got work to do.

1.  Update my blog.
   [...this needs to be corrected... and this .... that...]

2.  Visit blogville and catch up on furriends' posts.
   [... post comments ... ]

3.  Update my blog.
4.  Visit blogville and catch up on furriends' posts.
5.  Update my blog.
6.  Visit blogville and catch up on furriends' posts.
7.  Update my blog.
8.  Visit blogville and catch up on furriends' posts.
9.   Update my blog.
10. Visit blogville and catch up on furriends' posts.
11.  Repeat 1 - 10.

I am so busy. Need a puppucino.


  1. Crikey Bowie .... you sure are having a busy day. You really do need a puppichino break, aye??

  2. Looks like you are doing a fine job
    Lily & Edward

  3. Bwahaahaa! That is a familiar rhythm around here, too. We think you need some more NAPS after all that work!


Woofs & Barks: