29 January 2019

The Struggle Is Real

Very real 😢

Getting stuck at places:

Unable to get up:

Luckily, Mom is always there to help me 😘🙏

28 January 2019

Surgery #4

Had my 4th surgery last Saturday to remove yet another tumor. This time it was on the gum.

On Saturday morning, not knowing that I'd be going off to vet's 😅:

Warning: Graphic content below showing my mouth before surgery (left upper gum):
The circled part is the tumor, quite hard to see as it is black color:
Resting at home:

Looking perky TODAY! 😘

Fortunately unlike the last round of surgery, the recovery this time is so MUCH better! My appetite was already back the evening I came home from the op 😃

Good news is that the cancer seems to be localised at my mouth. Lymph nodes and chest x-ray are all in the clear at the moment! 🙌👍🙏