08 July 2006

Don't Let You Weigh!

"Mommy, you better don't stand on this thing. I'm doing this for your own good. I'm afraid the scale will hit its maximum reading when you stand on it lah! hahaha...." *runs away quickly*

04 July 2006

Separation Anxiety

We have all heard about dogs with separation anxiety and sadly, I'm no exception. My parents were curious to know what I usually do when alone at home so they taped me.

Nope, I wasn't watching tv ok? The tv wasn't even turned on. I was looking high (yeah!) and low for Mommy. Sometimes she plays hide and seek with me so I thought she might be hiding behind the sofa so I'd better checked. Guess what? I WAS really alone at home so I howled and howled.... (*psst, Mommy's jaw almost touched the ground when she saw this part of the tape :P *)