Last Saturday, Mommy disappeared after feeding me my morning meal. Erh.. not really 'disappeared' cos I actually sent her off at the door. Heard her on the fone mentioning going to some place that sounds like somebody's child in Hokkien (Ee-ay-kea). Later on I found out from a plastic bag that the correct name is Ikea!
Okie, long story cut short. Mommy came home with a bagful of stuff including 2 new toys for me! YAY!! The other toy Mommy didn't even let me see...she quickly put it away :(
Anyway peepz, here's Raffy the giraffe!
Isn't he cute??
Raffy's butt is so huge I can use it as my pillow hahaha...
But his long neck is also good to use as my cushion ^_^
My new buddy Raffy!
Here's the 2 of us side by side. OMG! Raffy's even taller than me sitting down!
I no care mommy typing away on her computer and made my own way to my cozy little bed. What a shiok nap I had with no one disturbing me. Well, except mommy lah of course who quietly took my cutesy snoozy pics! hahaha...
I can't recall if I had posted one blurry pic before, showing me pawing mommy's thigh to signal her that I want to be up on her lap? Anyway, this time round, mommy managed to capture a better shot. Well, not very good but much better than the last one!
*psst..! Actually hor, mommy played cheat de! She made me re-posed for her because by the time she took out the cam, I was already back to all fours on the floor*
And..this next one showing me zzzzzzzz-ing contentedly on mommy's lap!
See first hand how I go about doing my patrol job:
Well, how do you feel after watching the video clip? Not impressed huh... I did a sloppy job? *Act BLUR*
Ok lah, now I shall show you a day in the life of an FBI Agent:
Oops! Caught sleeping on the job sia...@_@
Tick..tock..tick..tock.. very fast it's meal time! Hooray!
So full! Let me take laze around first. It helps with digestion leh..
Ok, enough resting! I better pretend to do something in case boss fires me.
*Pretending to act busy*
I saw that boss just went out! Hooray! Break time!
Wait a minute! I smell something!!!
What could make me SIT so obediently???
That's right!
FOOD glorious FOOD!!
And because of that, I was captured by the 'enemy'!! (psst..psst..that 'enemy' is my daddy lah)
By the way, in case you think that "FBI" is that FBI you see in movies... you may not be correct because FBI also stands for Female Body Investigator hor! So which one do I work for? Go figure ... ^_^