15 April 2013

Chilling Out

If I am not snoozing while Mom does her couch-potato thingy, I usually go about doing my own stuff such as licking my paws lazing on my bed, walking into every room checking things out and licking the floor as I walk, or hanging out at the balcony.

13 April 2013

Yet Another New Sleeping Location



"time to wake up? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

12 April 2013


I just love to squeeze into tight spaces.  My peeps are kind enough to get a 3-seater sofa although cuz there's the 2 of them PLUS me.  But it always end up with an empty seat as I just love to fight over THEIR seats  *evil grin*

03 April 2013


Mommy gave me a new toy a couple of weeks ago. And it looks like me, a dog! With a bungee body and 2 squeakies ... 1 on the head and 1 at the tail end.

On the first morning Mom passed Dog-Dog to me, I played with it almost the entire day! It was the first time ever that I ever like a toy soooo much.

Warning: lots of photos!

I carried it to my bed no.1.

I also played with it on my bed no.2.

Needed to catch my breath for a while. See how long Dog-Dog is and its head as big as mine!

Played in mom's study.

Not forgetting the balcony.

Refusing to stop, so... ...

Daddy said "time-out" :(

Finally taking 40 winks on top of Dog-Dog in the evening!

Come bed time at night, I was still playing refusing to sleep:

 ... running in the room with Dog-Dog hanging in my mouth...

...wanting to go up mom's bed...

In the end, mom and dad decided to ignore me and just went to sleep.  I was knocked out too subsequently BOL

A week later, Dog-Dog is still the one I go to when I want to play.

I still play with Kitty-Kitty occasionally.  Poor Kitty, mom says.