06 June 2017

Let Me Out

I have my bath torture in mom's adjoining bathroom, and she closes the bedroom door every time before my torture so there's no escape for me!

After the torture, the first place I go to:

the bedroom door of course!

"lemme out! lemme out!"

* look at my lifted paw * BOL

Butt, Mom would catch me and bring me back into the room for blow drying.

When will my torture end???????

05 June 2017


They have Thundershirt.

I have Thunder-Headgear!!

The whole point is to cover my ears (to dampen the sound of thunder). There were times when the thunder were really (and i mean REALLY) LOUD. Even Mom got spooked BOL

I would BARK back at the thunder and Mom would need to soothe and calm me down like a baby.

02 June 2017

ZZZZZZZ April 2017

Really? Mom? You're posting my APRIL'S ZZZZZZ Collection only now???

Whatever.  Better late than never.

    forming letter H with the humans bwahahaha