13 March 2012

Unique Pet Beds

Samuel Cox, the creator of the eSleeper, describes his invention like this: “When the feline decides it's nap-time, eSleeper’s automated lighting control turns on a relaxing wave of color inside an eMac, while greeting the cat with the iconic Macintosh start-up chime. When the cat walks out, eSleeper turns off the lights and tweets to @eSleeper1, displaying various phrases along with how long the cat has occupied eSleeper.”


  1. Awwww, they are amazing. I like the upturned stool that looks like a four poster bed just fit for a Princess and Simba just loves the jumper bed where you can curl up and be cuddled all day long :)xx

  2. Makes our futons look very ordinary.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. love these beds. We are going to go talk to mom
    Benny & Lily

  4. These designs are very unique. I know that a special dog bed for our dogs really helps them to be really comfortable when they want to sleep.

  5. These cat beds are very cute. I especially like the originality of design.

  6. Love these! Especially the suitcase one.

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