25 July 2018

Back From Surgery #1

🙏🙏Thank you my furriends for sending me your POTP and Love! 😘😘😘

So yesterday morning I was dropped of at the vet's; and was discharged at 5pm. I was already awake and alert when mom and dad came to get me.

I lost a total of 4 teeth this time 😢. 2 were under the lump and perhaps affected somehow cos they were already quite loose. The other 2? Was told 1 incisor and 1 "somewhere" BOL, and Mom has yet to figure out which 2!!!

Now we wait for the biopsy report which might take up to 1 week or so.

Meanwhile, am catching up with my 😴😴😴 leaving tomorrow's problems for tomorrow.

Shall update again when the biopsy results are out. Meanwhile, please keep POTP coming 🙏🙏

23 July 2018

Need Power Of Paws Please

Dear Furriends,

I will be going under the knife tomorrow morning (Tuesday 24th July, local time) because I've got the most dreaded "C" thingy :'(  ... ... well, it needs to be confirmed by the pathology lab after removal of the tumor and whether it is benign or malignant.

Mine's oral, and since it is difficult for mom to take a photo of it, photo below is from internet similar to what I have:

Yup, it's black in color. But mine is not at the front like in the photo, mine's at the left upper molar's gum. Oral Melanoma.

Mom first felt a tiny-weeny growth about end of May this year but could not have a good look as I wasn't co-operative, shutting my lips tight! Even the vet couldn't either, unless they put me under GA. My pawrents were worried about me going under, with my heart murmur, enlarged heart etc... so they decided to wait a while. On hindsight, bad move! Ah well, no point talking about what had happened so let's just pray that it's benign! She finally succeeded in looking last Friday and boy, what a shock it gave her and she dialled the vet's first thing Saturday morning.

They had to take an X-ray of my chest first to see if the C has spread to my lungs as I have been coughing quite a lot nowadays. Vet said, if x-ray showed white spots then it means it has spread and even surgery won't help. AND I'll only have 2-3 weeks left!!! Mom nearly fainted.

It was the l....o....n.....g.....e......s.....t  five minute wait for the x-ray results. Fortunately, lung has no white spots except for some fluids. So I was given diuretics to clear out the fluids these 2 days.

Another thing discovered from the x-ray was, that my trachea has collapsed (even more?) which explains my worsening cough. We've known from an x-ray beginning of this year that my trachea is being compressed by my enlarged heart. But the collapsed part is now so narrow we are Mom is horrified. We are now taking 1 thing at a time and to deal with this f*cking C first.

Please please send power of paws my way. THANK YOU VERY MUCH in advance.


Oh, some recent photos of me heehee:

Yesterday while waiting for my turn at the vet, daddy brought me to the grass patch next to the clinic:

One of my morning walkie:

My usual routines at home nowadays:

That's all for today :)