25 July 2018

Back From Surgery #1

🙏🙏Thank you my furriends for sending me your POTP and Love! 😘😘😘

So yesterday morning I was dropped of at the vet's; and was discharged at 5pm. I was already awake and alert when mom and dad came to get me.

I lost a total of 4 teeth this time 😢. 2 were under the lump and perhaps affected somehow cos they were already quite loose. The other 2? Was told 1 incisor and 1 "somewhere" BOL, and Mom has yet to figure out which 2!!!

Now we wait for the biopsy report which might take up to 1 week or so.

Meanwhile, am catching up with my 😴😴😴 leaving tomorrow's problems for tomorrow.

Shall update again when the biopsy results are out. Meanwhile, please keep POTP coming 🙏🙏


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Kinley!

      Hugs & Kisses,

  2. Continued POTP for you Bowie! Keeping all paws crossed that the outcome will be good news.

    1. Thank you Thank you!😘


  3. I am so glads you are feelin' good, and I hopes everythings comes out good Bowie! Sendin' lots of POTP and healin' vibes and AireZens!
    Ruby ♥

  4. Dearest Bowie, just dropping by to see how you are doing sweet fella.
    I too have to go for a dental at the Vets tomorrow which I am NOT looking forward to. Mind you, I'll be asleep and out of it, my peeps however will be worried sick!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx


Woofs & Barks: