04 November 2018

Doggy Dementia Got Me

Confusion, disorientation, dogzheimers. Call it what you will, but canine dementia (known clinically as canine cognitive dysfunction) cause dogs to show many of the same symptoms just like humans: 

(👈 means applicable to me):

  • Sleep-wake cycle disturbances 👈 (recently I would wake up middle of night and pace)
  • Generalized anxiety 
  • Lower threshold for aggression
  • Decreased activity levels 👈
  • Inappropriate vocalization (howling, barking or whining)
  • Repetitive behaviors (pacing) 👈 pacing + circling
  • Elimination disorders 👈 (more like I forget where to pee)
  • Staring at walls 👈 (I don't stare at walls but most times I am like stand frozen and stare at the floor. Mom has to help snap me out of it).
  • Fewer social interactions
  • Disorientation (getting “lost” in the house) 👈 (more like getting stuck at places, not really "lost". Now my brain is set to turn only in 1 direction eg. to the right, so even though there's plenty of space on my left side and a wall immediately on my right, I don't know how to proceed because I can't turn!).
(source of above from here).

1 comment:

  1. We're so sad to hear that, but if it isn't bothering YOU, just your people, then it's okay.


Woofs & Barks: