(👈 means applicable to me):
- Sleep-wake cycle disturbances 👈 (recently I would wake up middle of night and pace)
- Generalized anxiety
- Lower threshold for aggression
- Decreased activity levels 👈
- Inappropriate vocalization (howling, barking or whining)
- Repetitive behaviors (pacing) 👈 pacing + circling
- Elimination disorders 👈 (more like I forget where to pee)
- Staring at walls 👈 (I don't stare at walls but most times I am like stand frozen and stare at the floor. Mom has to help snap me out of it).
- Fewer social interactions
- Disorientation (getting “lost” in the house) 👈 (more like getting stuck at places, not really "lost". Now my brain is set to turn only in 1 direction eg. to the right, so even though there's plenty of space on my left side and a wall immediately on my right, I don't know how to proceed because I can't turn!).
(source of above from here).
We're so sad to hear that, but if it isn't bothering YOU, just your people, then it's okay.