Oohh..! Am I cute or what? hahaha.... thick-skinned ya? I'm not sure about other canines but I sure like squeezy spaces. One of my fav places to snuggle & sleep is ... ... (*psst...mommy doesn't allow me to tell, but I think it's alright to say :P *) ... in-between mommy's legs!! Now, don't think 'crooked' k? The legs just form a natural v-shape when opened, forming a fan-shaped bolster bed where I can rest my chin on either leg. Mommy has a photo but she wouldn't give it to me, so sorry folks! No pic to show.
More sleeping poses below:

Hahaha.... I'm such a sleeper that I've mastered the most coveted skill of able to sleep without lying down! Believe me??? heeheehee.... nah, the cammy just caught me while blinking my eyes. ^_^

Oh gosh! I think I must have really slept a lot for mommy to be able to take soooo many pics of me sleeping, aiyooo....jialat!
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