21 June 2016

SPREAD THE WORD: Stop Yulin Dog Meat Festival

My dear Furriends,

Please get your peeps to use the power of blogsville to help SPREAD THE WORD: Stop Yulin Dog Meat Festival.  Our 4 legged furriends are being brutally killed and eaten as we are sharing this.
Share as many people as you can and sign the petition (link below).

You're looking at 50,000+ signatures standing up against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival.
These signatures have already been sent to authorities, but you can still sign the petition here ► http://iheartdogs.co/StillSignYulinWe ARE making a difference. Every year the public pressure increases and number of dogs killed goes down!
- source


  1. I am HORRIFIED!!!! How can there be such a festival????
    I haf been over to sign up!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. We've seen peeps who rescue some of the dogs. We hope it can STOP. Good work, Bowie, keep trying. We'll see if we can sign the petition.

  3. What the Woof! Why would humans do this!!!! Thanks for sharing I've never heard of such.

    Aroo to you,


Woofs & Barks: